Message from the PPG Lead

A number of years ago, I was given the opportunity to discuss my experiences as a patient with the Patient Participation Group (PPG). I was able to discuss everything I had seen; experienced and felt strongly about, regarding St George's Hospital, St John's Therapy Unit and Streatham Park Surgery.

I agreed to join the Group and always feel able to express my opinions and discuss my experiences either during the meetings or helping to shape the services provided by the Surgery e.g. contributing questions to be included in the Patient Satisfaction Survey questionnaire

As a consequence of being a member of the PPG, I volunteer when possible, as a Patient Auditor when St Georges and Queen Mary's Hospitals have their annual Patient Lead Assessment (PLACE) and CQC mock assessments. I also have the opportunity to attend a meeting to get a better understanding of the locality and NHS UK future plans are, as I am Streatham Park Surgery's Patient Representative. Whatever information I obtain is discussed at the next PPG meeting and we agree what if any actions are necessary.

I feel very lucky to be able to share what I feel and see about the NHS and Streatham Park Surgery during the PPG meetings. From experience I know the PPG feedback and suggestions are then used by Dr Ghufoor at the meetings he will attend or reports he has to respond to.

Velda Lewis,  Lead Patient for PPG Group


We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.

To help us with this, we have set up a Practice Participation Group so that you can have your say. Members meet quarterly to discuss services and practice survey results.

We need a diverse range of participants including young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from different ethnic groups.

If you are interested in joining this group please complete the PPG sign-up form below.

We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form.

Many thanks for your assistance

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